OTA+ (STRA) is now fully integrated with Hostaway, the Leading All-In-One Vacation Rental Software & Airbnb Management System. Get your OTA+ demo now, pay your onboarding invoice before close of business on Monday the 31st of March 2025 and we will discount your invoice by 15% If you are currently using OTA+ and interested in moving over to Hostaway. Call us today on +61-8-7092-2666. Click for more info on Hostaway
With two decades of solid trust accounting experience and evolution behind our product. OTA+ is compliant with the Trust Account regulations of all states of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, UK & several states in the USA.
20 years of operation without a single regulation audit infringement. We take trust accounting seriously. Compliant in all states of Australia.
Detailed owners booking report showing the bookings, management fees, an attractive pie chart and the owners ledgers.
Bookings, payments, updates & cancellations from your channel manager to your PMS will also be sent to OTA+ (STR) using the API.
Manage the owners property and pay the suppliers direct from the owners ledger. Upload supplier invoice pdfs/images for property owners to view.
Booking details, Payments, Extra Services, Check & Disburse all funds, Cancellations, Refunds, Booking Ledger all on one easy to use screen.
Stop chasing property owners for maintenance funds. Every disbursed booking tops up the property owners contingency ledger.
We have created a beautiful property owners login interface that allows your property owners to drill down from a list of properties they own down to the finest detail of booking expense items on a single booking, or view supplier invoice details and display or download the pdf/image of the actual supplier bill.
Draw a payment from a ledger and choose type ABA EFT. This payment will be placed on your ABA EFT file ready for upload to your online banking.
Reconcile your Bank Statement, your Trust Account Ledgers & your Cash Book with one click, too easy. Supports all the regulations.
A Global Fees template is included when you sign up for OTA+ (STR). You can add & modify the fees, descriptions and text.
The guest receipt, property owners trust receipt and the suppliers remittance advice are templates to personalise with your logo.
A colour visual overview of all booking activity across your property management portfolio for the week, month or year.
Using Excel templates, import existing property files, trust balances, owners & forward bookings. Step by step easy import & setup.
The property owners report is produced at the end of month and provides a detailed listing of all bookings for a selected property. A summary of each booking showing the Booking Number, Disbursement Date, Guest Last Name, Arrival & Departure dates, Owners Remittance, Contingency Remittance, Management Fee, Booking Expense and the Total Tariff.
One click to email your guests with a compliant trust receipt/statement showing all credits and debits & peronalised with your logo.
OTA+ Intelligently creates a supplier invoice for booking agents that have deferred invoicing like booking.com
Provide your property owners with a login to see all booking & expense details, accessible from PC/Tablet or Mobile.
Huge time saver! A few clicks to pay all property their owners ledger balance which contains their remittance from all bookings for the period.
Save yourself from office interruptions, auditors can now login externally using a strictly read-only login that you can switch on or off.
Access to OTA+ (STR) is controlled by a roles & permissions based security system. Assign access levels required to perform the job functions
The Supplier Bill Management System allows you to enter, track and pay all supplier bills. Pay using the property owners contingency ledger which is topped up to an agreed amount whenever a booking is disbursed. Upload bill images for data entry checking and to allow property owners to download via the property owners logins.