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OTA+ Seamless Integration with Hostaway! OTA+ (STRA) is now fully integrated with Hostaway, the Leading All-In-One Vacation Rental Software & Airbnb Management System. If you are currently using OTA+ and interested in moving over to Hostaway, we have a conversion process. Call us today on +61-8-7092-2666. Click here for more info on Hostaway
OTA+ Users may now apply an additional level of security to their login by using Multi-Factor Authentication. Using a mobile app users may now apply MFA to their logins.
One of the biggest industry events of the year, NoVacancy 2022 promises to be bigger than all previous years. With more than 5000 buying companies attending, and all of the industry high tech will be on display. Infobiz Solutions will be showcasing OTA+ @ booth 744.
BPAY is an electronic bill payment system in Australia that enables payments to be made through a financial institutions online portal. OTA+ clients will be able to pay property owners utilities and suppliers very easily via BPAY. The property owners ledger will be debited for the BPAY bill amount and a record will be created on a BPAY file ready for uploading via your online banking portal.
Australia is leading the way in empowering consumers with increased control over their personal data through the Customer Data Right (CDR) initiative. With the impending second phase of regulatory compliance, Australian entities managing data are welcoming fresh CDR Compliance solutions in the market. What is the significance of this for Short Term Property Managers? Simply put, this allows for secure and dependable access to your bank feeds without the need to disclose your bank account username and password. CDR mandates only authorized token-based access, ensuring your financial data's security. At Infobiz Solutions, we've teamed up with ACSISS to offer automated reconciliation through secure bank feeds.
With an exciting year ahead in 2022 we have installed a new digital cloud based PABX phone system, this will help us to better serve and support our client base. Please note our new local Australian numbers have been installed for Adelaide S.A, Gold Coast QLD, Melbourne Vic, Sydney N.S.W. and Perth W.A. We have also obtained some local numbers in overseas locations such as Auckland New Zealand, Ontario Canada and a nationwide toll free number in the United States of America. Click here for our new numbers
At Infobiz Solutions we are committed to providing a stable cloud platform that is available to our customers 24x7. We understand in a busy world people need access at all times of the day or night. We are therefore committed to providing 99.9 % uptime for our cloud core service (Main Application). We now have a Service Level Agreement in place for customers on the enterprise subscriptions which backs up our commitments to our platform.
Our new status page is far more than a visual check on system status. It is an incident management system that immediately notifies everyone, both customers and staff that an event has occurred. Advance notice of system maintenance and updates that will occur and what parts of the system will be affected. Everyone is notified when services are restored. Please follow us on a specific twitter status page to be notified of system outages and upcoming system maintenance.
Partnered in December '2002 Infobiz Solutions and Mediasoft Data Systems Limited have cross fertilized inspiration, ideas, products, people and software. This continues to this day throughout South East Asia and Australasia with a joined customer base spreading into many countries.
Beta Testing is now complete and our first user Lake Shores Management in NSW has gone live on the new OTA+ (STRA) This version of OTA+ has been specifically designed for the Short Term Rental Accommodation Industry. Using the published Open Travel Alliance API protocols, OTA+ communicates with property management systems and receives bookings online. Click the title link above to see the feature list.
OTA+ Online Trust Accounting Plus - Coming soon in 2020
- infobiz solutions -OCS+ Online Conveyancing System Plus - Coming soon in 2020
- infobiz solutions -For the past 20 years at Infobiz Solutions we have been focused on the financial and legal software industry. Our products have two decades of solid experience and evolution behind them by way of strong customer feedback and working closely with industry professionals.
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